Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spending quality with her and I can't help but reflect how much I need her in my life. Her voice, her heartbeat has always been in the background, with every step, every journey and she's never left my side. I know I can always trust her, I know she won't let me down. She is a part of my life and that's where she will always be. I love her and she loves me...

When I'm sad, she lets me cry. If I need comforting, she soothes me. When I'm happy, she smiles with me. When I'm excited, she jumps for joy. She brings out the best in me, and sometimes, the worst. She can make me dance with all my heart, or make me sit around and do nothing...she makes every moment with her worthwhile...

She's been through so much herself. I've seen her change in so many ways since we first met, but she still knows how to touch my to move my soul...I've seen people take her to different places and different heights. I've seen her in all her glory and I've seen her at her worst. They've manipulated her in every way possible way, but it doesn't change the beauty i see in her. She's still the same to me...

I still long for how she use to be. I try to remember the first time her beauty crossed my thoughts...the first time her voice vibrated in my ears. In the end, as I have grown and changed in my own right, she will too. I will cherish how she was but I'm excited to see where she will go. I love her and all that she is...

As I continue my journey of life, i will hold her close and she will always be a part of it...

Music is life, music is soul.

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