Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Just in case anyone thinks what I posted on my previous blog was a hoax:

Snopes: Brandon Rayner

Like I said in my previous blog, my friend Theresa informed me of this. She is a student nurse at the same hosiptal and actually sat on his bed and helped count some of the cards.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's in the cards...

My friend, Theresa, who is going to school in Las Vegas to become a nurse, informed me of this 10 year old boy named Brandon Rayner that she had a chance to take care of in her pediatric rotation. Brandon has been diagnosed with leukemia and is currently undergoing chemotherapy and is hoping for a bone marrow transplant soon. While this may sadden many going through this ordeal, or stop others from living a normal life and doing things they love, Brandon has not let it stop him from following his dream: to own the Guinness Book of World Record's record for most business cards. According to my friend he is trying to collect 500,000 business cards before September 15th and when she left his room last night, he was up to 308,000. If anyone reading this would like to help out Brandon in his goal, please submit any business cards you may have to:

Brandon Rayner at Sunrise Children's Hospital
Attention: Pediatric Oncology
3186 S. Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas NV 89109

Please do not send duplicate cards. They can be from the same company but they must have different names. It's not too late, let's help this kid out.

Brandon and his mother, Joe:

Brandon and some of the cards he has received while at the hospital:

The story in Las Vegas Review Journal: Brandon's Story

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


So after a long practice, some of the team and I decided to go check out the new Guppy's that opened in Rowland Heights. It's much bigger(that's what she said) than the one in Cerritos. Same food of course, but less of a drive. Yay! No more trekking out to Cerritos just to get their shaved ice. Amongst all the talks of Leah's nationality and all the "that's what she said" jokes, Vince said the words "just me and you..." Automatically I started singing the Tony Toni Tone song. We laughed cause we were the only two who knew it(OLDIES!!). Anyways, here it is:

and one more classic for good measure:

Man, I just realized, I haven't slow danced(like really slow dance and not just bump and grind at a club) with a girl since high school. Wow!! That's like...yah, we wont mention how many years. hahaha! Enjoy!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Have you ever felt so far from a person...even if they're right there next to you?

Have you ever missed someone...even if you see them almost everyday?

Yeah, i feel that way. I miss you friend...I miss the sunshine. That is all. Kbyee!

Cause this song has been on repeat in my head and on my computer(not the best cover i've heard but a good one none the less):

cause this song always reminds me of sunshine:

(that's my friend's band playing btw)

On a less emo note, Mavyn auditions:

I'm nervous but excited...my first time truly auditioning for a team. 2 weeks...wowzers!! So much for losing some weight before the auditions. hahaha! Join me if you're in the area.