Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lonely, but rich...haha!

So I came across this video on youtube:

It had me thinking. I haven't had a serious relationship in YEARS...I haven't really dated much either. There have been crushes here and there and a couple where I totally fell or was falling for the girl, but I always find myself getting stuck in the "just a friend" ladder. The, "I see you like a Kuya(older brother)" or the "I don't want to risk our friendship" situations. Yeah, it's probably my fault cause I like to get to know girls as friends first and I've never really been one to date a stranger. Anyway, back to my conclusion. I've come to the conclusion that if it's not in God's will that I do find someone, I pray that he atleast makes me rich. haha! Yeah, I probably sound greedy or have a face of money, but I really am not. I'm not greedy, but if I'm going to be lonely and have to suffer from that for the rest of my life, atleast let me be rich. Hahaha! It's better to be lonely and rich, than lonely and poor. Atleast if you're rich, you can do things that will, even momentarily, help you forget you're lonely. You can travel the world, meet new people(even in just a platonic manner) and do many things that will still make it feel like you lived an interesting, worthwhile life. Granted there may always be that void...but I guess it's just easier to deal with if you can afford to do things to help you forget about it. Yeah, I know there's people who have never gotten married or found someone to share their life with and never felt that loneliness and were perfectly fine. I know i'm not one of those people. haha! Heck, when I was 5 years old, I remember dreaming about having my own family. Who does that?! So if I'm meant to never find someone to share my life with, I'll be fine...just let me be rich please. =)

On another note: Bmod's recent performance at Avalon in Hollywood last Friday(Sept. 19, 2008)

Yeah, I messed up a couple of times and lost count. Oh well...OVER it. =P Time to get ready for the next performance...MAXT OUT!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

WAR!! What is it good for...

Absolutely nothing...except some cool tees. The homies from 5Star Army released their newest line over the weekend after having their release party on Friday at Highlands in Hollywood. Here are a couple of teasers:

Check out more pics on their blog: 5Star Army and contact them to cop you some tees. Be fresh when the new school year starts.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Just in case anyone thinks what I posted on my previous blog was a hoax:

Snopes: Brandon Rayner

Like I said in my previous blog, my friend Theresa informed me of this. She is a student nurse at the same hosiptal and actually sat on his bed and helped count some of the cards.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's in the cards...

My friend, Theresa, who is going to school in Las Vegas to become a nurse, informed me of this 10 year old boy named Brandon Rayner that she had a chance to take care of in her pediatric rotation. Brandon has been diagnosed with leukemia and is currently undergoing chemotherapy and is hoping for a bone marrow transplant soon. While this may sadden many going through this ordeal, or stop others from living a normal life and doing things they love, Brandon has not let it stop him from following his dream: to own the Guinness Book of World Record's record for most business cards. According to my friend he is trying to collect 500,000 business cards before September 15th and when she left his room last night, he was up to 308,000. If anyone reading this would like to help out Brandon in his goal, please submit any business cards you may have to:

Brandon Rayner at Sunrise Children's Hospital
Attention: Pediatric Oncology
3186 S. Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas NV 89109

Please do not send duplicate cards. They can be from the same company but they must have different names. It's not too late, let's help this kid out.

Brandon and his mother, Joe:

Brandon and some of the cards he has received while at the hospital:

The story in Las Vegas Review Journal: Brandon's Story

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


So after a long practice, some of the team and I decided to go check out the new Guppy's that opened in Rowland Heights. It's much bigger(that's what she said) than the one in Cerritos. Same food of course, but less of a drive. Yay! No more trekking out to Cerritos just to get their shaved ice. Amongst all the talks of Leah's nationality and all the "that's what she said" jokes, Vince said the words "just me and you..." Automatically I started singing the Tony Toni Tone song. We laughed cause we were the only two who knew it(OLDIES!!). Anyways, here it is:

and one more classic for good measure:

Man, I just realized, I haven't slow danced(like really slow dance and not just bump and grind at a club) with a girl since high school. Wow!! That's like...yah, we wont mention how many years. hahaha! Enjoy!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Have you ever felt so far from a person...even if they're right there next to you?

Have you ever missed someone...even if you see them almost everyday?

Yeah, i feel that way. I miss you friend...I miss the sunshine. That is all. Kbyee!

Cause this song has been on repeat in my head and on my computer(not the best cover i've heard but a good one none the less):

cause this song always reminds me of sunshine:

(that's my friend's band playing btw)

On a less emo note, Mavyn auditions:

I'm nervous but first time truly auditioning for a team. 2 weeks...wowzers!! So much for losing some weight before the auditions. hahaha! Join me if you're in the area.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


You often hear about people, including myself, complain that there is never enough time in the day. You hear people say, "if only I had more time..." or "where did the time go?" You hear people wish for more time. But have you sat back and thought about what you would do if given more time? Would you really make use of it? Would you get all those things you say you'd get done if you had that extra time? Or would it be more time to just do nothing or to mess around? Would you procrastinate more knowing you were given more time to make it up? Time can be our best friend...our worst enemy. They say time waits for no man(or woman)...

Crap, i better get moving...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Do you...

"The things we Love to do, Define us, Inspire us, Remind us who we are..."

You might not get to choose your path. But you can choose how you will travel along it.

"So go on and go where you wanna go...See what you wanna see...Be who you wanna be..."

read or heard these quotes today so I'm putting it down for now. I'll explain why later. Stay Tuned.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Lately I've been getting this urge to read a good book. So the past two sundays have been the same. Chill the whole day away, then go to mass and spend the rest of the night looking for a good book. Last Sunday, I wasn't so successful. To be honest, I didn't even know where to start. I normally just go to the bookstore to take advantage of the a/c and read magazines. haha! I didn't even know what kind of book I was looking for to read. I was hoping something would just pop up and scream at me, "Read me! I'll change your life" haha! Ok, maybe that's a little much...just a little. I'm not going to lie but I was looking for a book that, although fiction, would touch my heart...touch my soul. Ok, still a little too much, but you get the picture. Part of me wanted to find a good love story(partially because of the feelings I'm dealing with right now which is a whole other blog), but I have to admit, I was a little embarrassed to bring it up to the counter and have the girl working there look at me and think to herself, "awww, you poor sap. girls do not want guys who read these kind of books." So I went home, hoping to get other's recommendations on a good book. I was recommended a few by my sister. Titles such as "Tuesdays with Morrie" and "The Alchemist"

So today, I did the routine again. Caught up on sleep from my sleep deprived week. Went to Mass at 6:30pm, which I'm proud to say I haven't missed mass since I told myself that I would start going again. I even went the past 3 weeks by myself and without anyone pushing me to go. Yay me! Anyways, grabbed some Jolibee after mass because I've been craving some Palabok. Unfortunately they ran out so I had to settle for a "chicken joy." Some time this week, I'm definitely getting some Palabok. Anyway, I ended my night at the Barnes & Nobles that I usually go to. I was determined find me a book. I started by looking for the books my sister recommended. I couldn't find either one. But I was determined. So I walked aimlessly around the book store till I came to this book:

Looked interesting so I picked it up and read its description and this caught me: "Together is a heartwarming story of anyone who's ever lost sight of what matters most in life...but has hope that there's more." That's all I needed. I picked it up and began reading it there.

I read through 6 chapters before the announcement that the store was closing came over the P.A. system. I wanted to finish the book so I decided to buy it...then I saw the price. Man, books are expensive!! I put it back on the shelf and began walking out thinking I'd just come back next week and read some more or that I would wait till it came out in paperback. But I couldn't leave it. I really wanted to continue reading it. I figured it's better spent than on something stupid. So with $23.00 less in my account I am the proud owner of my very first hard cover book.

On the way home I was listening to a "Michael vs. Janet" mix by DJ Konnix and I heard this song and couldn't help but smile:

Yeah, they just don't make good music now a days. I think it would have been fun to be a dancer in that video.

Reading my book...till next time.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dream Idealist

One of my friends posted a blog saying that they took this personality test on iPersonic and I found it rather interesting so I thought I'd give it a go and it came out that I'm a "Dream Idealist" It's actually rather true. Interesting.

Dreamy Idealists are very cautious and therefore often appear shy and reserved to others. They share their rich emotional life and their passionate convictions with very few people. But one would be very much mistaken to judge them to be cool and reserved. They have a pronounced inner system of values and clear, honourable principles for which they are willing to sacrifice a great deal. Joan of Arc or Sir Galahad would have been good examples of this personality type. Dreamy Idealists are always at great pains to improve the world. They can be very considerate towards others and do a lot to support them and stand up for them. They are interested in their fellow beings, attentive and generous towards them. Once their enthusiasm for an issue or person is aroused, they can become tireless fighters.

For Dreamy Idealists, practical things are not really so important. They only busy themselves with mundane everyday demands when absolutely necessary. They tend to live according to the motto “the genius controls the chaos” - which is normally the case so that they often have a very successful academic career. They are less interested in details; they prefer to look at something as a whole. This means that they still have a good overview even when things start to become hectic. However, as a result, it can occasionally happen that Dreamy Idealists overlook something important. As they are very peace-loving, they tend not to openly show their dissatisfaction or annoyance but to bottle it up. Assertiveness is not one of their strong points; they hate conflicts and competition. Dreamy Idealists prefer to motivate others with their amicable and enthusiastic nature. Whoever has them as superior will never have to complain about not being given enough praise.

As at work, Dreamy Idealists are helpful and loyal friends and partners, persons of integrity. Obligations are absolutely sacred to them. The feelings of others are important to them and they love making other people happy. They are satisfied with just a small circle of friends; their need for social contact is not very marked as they also need a lot of time to themselves. Superfluous small talk is not their thing. If one wishes to be friends with them or have a relationship with them, one would have to share their world of thought and be willing to participate in profound discussions. If you manage that you will be rewarded with an exceptionally intensive, rich partnership. Due to their high demands on themselves and others, this personality type tends however to sometimes overload the relationship with romantic and idealistic ideas to such an extent that the partner feels overtaxed or inferior. Dreamy Idealists do not fall in love head over heels but when they do fall in love they want this to be a great, eternal love.

Adjectives which describe your type

introverted, theoretical, emotional, spontaneous, idealistic, dreamy, effusive, pleasant, reserved, friendly, passionate, loyal, perfectionist, helpful, creative, composed, curious, obstinate, with integrity, willing to make sacrifices, romantic, cautious, shy, peace-loving, vulnerable, sensitive, communicative, imaginative

These subjects could interest youl

iterature, philosophy, psychology, music, art (museums), writing, drawing/painting, astrology, spiritual things, meditation, handicrafts, writing, voluntary work

What personality are you?

Oh yeah, i got a raise. Woot!

Friday, May 30, 2008


So after spending the past half year complaining and griping about needing a new phone, I finally gave in and re-newed my contract with verizon(it was due and they offered me a discount on my new phone) and purchased the new Blackberry Curve 8830.

Yay, I'm one of the cool kids now. haha! I've only had the phone like 2 weeks and I can already say I love it. I feel so connected to everything I need(phone, email, internet, news, sport scores, camera). Plus I'm actually using the calender which I have never used on any of my previous phones. haha! They say once you go with a Blackberry you can't go back to a regular phone. I think this may be true. The best part is thanks to an online discount, renewal discount, and the gift cards my brother and sister gave me for christmas(thanks guys!!) I paid a whooping $34.00 for tax. Definitely stoked(hopefully it doesn't give me any problems later).

BTW...if you have a blackberry, let's trade PIN's and chat on Blackberry Messanger =P


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Winding down...

For my friends who have never seen me dance/perform with Bmod, this might possibly be your last two chances to go. Come support!

Barkada's 18th Annual PACN, "Brighter Days"

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mama's Day

I know I'm a couple of hours late but I just wanted to wish all the mothers out there a Happy Mother's Day. I hope you all got to spend a wonderful day with your mothers and reminded them how important they are to you and how much you appreciate them.

I love you mama!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


BLAH!!! So I had to start a new blog because the last one: Arbeeezy Fo' Sheeezy, the email for that blog was hacked and I can't recover it. And because I have to use my email(gmail account) to log on to my blog, I can no longer access my blog either. Blah! I just started that one too. I'm undecided whether I'm gong to stick to "" I don't like how it's directly connected to my email account(the password for my email is also the password for the blog). We'll see if I find something better.